Emily Rich is a high school student, but before that, she is a writer. She has been writing her thoughts down since she could pick up a pen, and she has been telling stories long before that. In 2010, she started creating comics with her friend Jenn Fuguet. They plan to work together for many years as Dead Static Comics. She's honored to be featured in Unite and Take Over, with "That Joke Isn't Funny Anymore," alongside artists and writers she greatly admires.
We want to give you updates of the how the stories are progressing. Today's update is art courtesy of Christian Vilaire, artist for Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before. I don't think we need to explain, but to know what he is doing, you'll need to wait until the book comes out.
Rich Johnston, of the comic book news and gossip website Bleeding Cool has posted an article on Unite and Take Over.
Shawn Demumbrum (whose surname certainly sounds like Morrissey's singing on occasion) has assembled fifteen creative teams for the project and will release the finished collection at the Tucson Comic Con in November.
If his Kickstarter plans go...to plan, that is.
Shawn is looking to raise $3000 and is a tenth of the way there. Why not give this charming man a hand?